Previous paper class 3rd(Science)

Question no 1:. Encircle the correct option. 10

  1. Carrot is a……….
    (a) root (b) stem (c) leave
  2. Flowers attract ___ for pollination.
    (a) insect (b) mammals (c) plants
  3. Are called the food factory of plants.
    (a) Roots (b) leaves (c) stem
  4. Plant eating animals are called__________.
    (a) carnivores (b) herbivores (c) pollination
  5. Meat eating animals are called __.
    (a) carnivores (b) omnivores (c) herbivores
  6. Animals help plant in seed dispersal and_______.
    (a) pollination (b) consumer (c) both
  7. A few animals eat both plant and animals.they are called______________.
    (a) carnivores (b) herbivores. (c) omnivores
    8.Animals are called _
    (a) consumer (b) herbivores. (c) both
  8. Plants begin their life cycle from …………
    (a) leaves (b) seed (c) roots
    10 . Seed can dispersed by _.
    (a) insect (b) bird (c) both a and